WPCSA Journal
The Journal is published annually after the AGM.

WPCSA Welsh Review
The Review is published 3 times per year.
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Please note, we offer basic ad design in-house (minimal text and up to 4 photographs). If you are looking for bells and whistles with cut work, you will need to contact a professional designer and submit your ad camera ready.
Here are a few who specialize in equine graphic design:
Amiee Bernier, (508) 758-6672, oceanwaves912@verizon.net
Patricia Cochran, (503) 324-0105, lochinvarwelsh@msn.com
Tracy Dopko, (780) 892-7930, info@daventrywebproductions.com
Amy E. Riley (508) 527-6633, amy@studioeq.com
Bobbie Jo Sawyers, (336) 399-7214, woodberrywarmbloods@gmail.com
Kathryn Southard, (301) 934-931, stargleamfarm@yahoo.com
Laura Westenkirchner, laurawdesign.com