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SW News

Hello to all our Welsh Pony/Cob friends,

It’s come to our attention that it’s time to do an “update”, and effort to keep all of you

“informed”, and bring you any new, current news. We, in CA, can tell all what’s happening here, but

in order for all of us to know what’s happening in Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico,

we need YOU to participate in this blog. It’s for everyone!

In the event that you have missed up-dates from the WPCSA, we’ll give you an overview of

information from them.

As I’m sure you all know, the American National show is just around the corner! News from

the OKWPS tells us that everything appears to be well covered, and we think this show will be even

better than last year. A pre-event for Wednesday evening will include a Liberty class, a DJ, and

limitless ice cream.  Also, they have added a hat contest to be voted on during the exhibitor’s party

(check the OKWPS page for theme announcements) by party attendees.  Prizes, of course.  We

added a Versatile Pleasure Pony/Cob award for each section and half/partbreds.  Entries are to be

made at the secretary’s office before the show starts Friday. The trophies for these awards are very,

very nice.   We are focusing on press this year so keep smiling! The sponsorship drive is going well.

Silent auction items are starting to come in and we are collecting prizes for the exhibitors’ party

drawings.  The Section A Marketing Group added two very nice size cash awards for the Section A

pony coming the longest way to the show and for the Section A exhibitor with the most Section A

ponies at the show-to be announced at the exhibitors’ party. We will have tack stall awards again as

well as the children’s coloring contest.  A children’s pizza party is also a new addition.  Of course, we

will host the Exhibitors’ Party and Booth again. Exhibitors are encouraged to bring their favorite

cookies for the booth to share-a long time tradition for refreshments at Tulsa. It sure sounds like a fun

time is to be had! Geraint Davies (UK), Suzan Strahan (Nevada), and John Almond (Maryland) are

this year’s judges.

We are told that there is an opportunity for all to participate at the American National, whether

you are there or not. How? The sale of ring-side banners at the show! It’s an awesome opportunity

to display your ad/farm name on the inside of the arena fence for one of the largest Welsh shows in

the USA! It’s a great opportunity to help bring the edges of the country together, all at one show!

You may place your order and make a credit card payment all on this link. It’s a great step in the direction of making the

American National Show just that much more special with a solid ring fence showing off our

members, sponsors, and of course, the stunning Welsh we all breed! If you have any questions,

please contact

Updated information from the WPCSA office on general announcements: Apparently there

has been a problem with the stud book link with LuLu on-line. If you have experienced this problem,

please try

Exciting news!!!  Note that the printed studbooks will be discontinued, but the on-line studbook (and

other data) will become free to all members (annual membership rates will increase $5 in 2016 to

offset this cost).  Ownership information will be provided too!  The printed stud books will continue.

However, the on-line data is current through the previous week.  What an incredibly amazing benefit

to be able to offer our members.

We have been hard at work updating the website  Please take a look if

you haven’t recently.  Once complete, this site will be renamed to be the primary

website for the society (WPCSA).  So far, all of the work done on has been in-

house by the office and board of directors member Megan Burtness.  A huge THANK YOU to Megan

(who, by the way, is chomping at the bit for me to tell you that YES, REGISTRATIONS WILL BE


The WPCSA Journal was hand delivered to members attending the PennMarydel Show (thank you

Sabra Schiller!).  The bulk mailing was completed on July 15.  Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for

delivery.   The next Journal deadline is December 31st and will cover events of 2015.  This will be the

same size format as the Welsh Review (“our magazine”), which will be offered as three issues in

2016 rather than the historical four issues.

2015 Welsh Review Vol. 2 was mailed on July 24th.  Lisa Landis is currently working on 2015 Vol.

3.  The ad deadline for 2015 Vol. 4 is September 6th.  That issue is normally the Sec. B and Hunter

issue.  However, this year we will be adding “Stallions” to that category in order to get information out

before breeding season since, as described above, the Review will be three issues in 2016.  Also, our

friends in California start breeding in November and December so this will give them more

opportunities to advertise their stallions.

Now – on to CA news!

We invite you to check out the WPCAC website at any time. As you scroll

down, you will see a large box telling you that the latest issue of the Bulletin is available. If you are

interested in older Bulletins (aka Newsletters), please go to the “News” section under the Site Menu,

and you will find them there. Those who work on the Bulletin put a great deal of work in it for your

benefit. There’s always news, pictures, and articles that we are sure will be of interest to you.

If you wish to become a member of the WPCAC, please go to the “Membership Form” under

the Site Menu, print it, complete it, and mail it to the club’s PO Box. There’s a wide variety of

memberships available, and they are outlined on p. 2 of the Membership Form.

As you can see, the WPCAC members have had a great start to 2015 with activities. Both our

Play Day and our Spring Show were very successful, and the best part is that participants had a good

time. We’ve recently participated in the Santa Barbara National Horse Show, which is always a

wonderful experience for us. We are now very close to our Brookside Show and Pacific Coast

Classic – WPCSA Western Regional Show, and look forward to this with anticipation.

What is happening is Colorado with the Welsh? What is happening in Utah? Nevada? New

Mexico? Arizona? I suspect there aren’t many (if any) shows. What are you doing with your ponies

and/or cobs? Trail riding? Driving? Combined Drives? There are a TON of Combined Driving

Events in CA, with Welsh doing very well. Currently, there is a series going, and the winning Welsh

will receive an award at the conclusion of the series.

Please remember, we have a SW Facebook page. Go to


Questions? Please ask. Contact Debbie ( ) or Judy (

Please share with us what’s happening “in your neighborhood”.