The Welsh Mountain Pony (Section A Welsh) is probably the most numerous of the British Mountain and Moorland breeds and provides the base from which the other Welsh Sections evolved. The breed probably developed from the so-called Celtic ponies descended from animals in Central Asia that reached Britain about 4000 BC across the land bridge that existed at that time. The first mention of the ponies was in the writing of Julius Caesar during his campaigns in Britain. He referred to the Celtic ponies with admiration for their docility, speed as chariot horses and for their usefulness as riding horses.
An animal of great beauty and refinement, he has the substance, stamina and soundness of his ancestors. Well known for their friendly personalities and even temperaments, they are extremely intelligent and easily trained. Welsh Mountain Ponies are highly versatile. They excel as mounts for children and small adults in a wide variety of ridden venues, including pleasure, trail, and especially jumping. Their brilliant action make them superb driving ponies, and they have successfully competed at the highest levels of competition in Pleasure Driving, Carriage, Roadster, Fine Harness, and more recently Combined Driving Events. Many new owners come to us after scaling down from larger breeds.
Breed characteristics: a large, bold eye, tiny head, short back, strong quarters, high set on tail, fine hair, hocks that do not turn in, laid back shoulder, straight foreleg and short cannon bone. The Section A pony may not exceed 12.2hh.
Maximum Height in US:12:2 hands (12 hands in Britain).