Last amended February 2015. In an environment where fewer and fewer members qualified to run under the old regulations, the Board (with input from the bylaws committee) believed this proposal would be beneficial to the Society by relaxing the requirements necessary for running for a position on the Board in the following ways: 1. It lowered the number of registered Welsh from 25 ponies/cobs to 15 ponies/cobs/half-Welsh; and 2. It allowed for an alternative to the Life Membership requirement.
The current requirements for election of Directors as outlined in WPCSA By-Law Article V Directors, Section (b) Election of the Bylaws are as follows:
1. The Board of Directors shall consist of twelve persons, classified as follows, viz: three classes of four Directors each; the term of office of a single class expiring in each year, and each class, being elected to hold office for the term or period of three years and until their successors are elected.
2. Eligibility:
a. WPCSA Senior Life members who have maintained a voting membership for the previous three (3) consecutive years OR WPCSA Annual members who have maintained a voting membership for the previous ten (10) years and agree to pre-pay WPCSA membership for the length of the term if elected.
b. Have produced and registered with the WPCSA a minimum of fifteen (15) foals (purebred Welsh and/or Half Welsh) OR Have owned or leased two (2) or more WPCSA registered purebred Welsh mares which have been reported on a WPCSA Stallion Service Report in the current year.
3. The successors to Directors whose term of offices expires in that year shall be elected by a plurality of votes cast by memberships eligible to vote as described in Article IV (e), voting by mail ballot, to hold office for the term or period of three years and until their successors are elected.
4. Nonvoting Directors shall be determined by the Board of Directors and may be appointed to honorary or special directorship by the Board of Directors. Honorary and special directors shall have no vote and shall be appointed to a specific term or life term.