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Technical Delegates

TD Application

Click above to fill in and submit your application to become a Technical Delegate.

TD Evaluation of Show and Judges

Click above to fill in the evaluation of the show and Judges.  Remember the TD MUST complete this form for every show they serve as the delegate for. 

List of Technical Delegates

Here you will find a list of all WPCSA sanctioned TD’s .  If your show is a Regional Show, you are required to have a TD.  They are optional for all other shows, but always advisable.  A TD takes the place of a Rules Commission. 

Rule Book

Be sure to spend time going over the rule book each year and always take it with you.

Class Specs

Click above for a copy of the current class specs.

Safe Sport

All TD’s are REQUIRED to complete ANNUAL Safe Sport Training all dates June 30th 2019 and after.