The Board of Directors is always discussing a number of topics regarding show rules as we look forward to the future and the needs of the Breed and Exhibitors. Below is one of the topics newly on the list of discussion items:
In order to facilitate increased participation in the Western Pleasure division on a National level, WPCSA is looking at altering the age requirement for ponies and Cobs to be mandatorily shown in a western curb bit. The topic was extremely well received at the AGM and the Board will continue discussion regarding the possible division alterations over the coming months. Other non-stock breeds have removed the requirement for the equine to be shown in a curb-bit by a specified age in an effort to up participation within their western divisions.
Our Western Pleasure Divisions are down on participation across the board all over the country over the last number of years. Many feel this is not apt to change without some form of alteration to the current rules. It has been suggested that WPCSA drop the age requirement, but still keep wording in place in the Western Rules to encourage ponies and cobs to be shown in a bit when ready.
Please take a moment and look through the proposed rule change (all changes are in red). The WPCSA Board of Directors welcomes any and all input regarding this proposed change. Please remember, before you send your thoughts in on this topic, the Board must evaluate suggestions on a national level with respect to the whole Breed association and not just how it might affect only one single individual.
Article 112.4.1 General The Western pleasure pony should move freely with a stride length that is appropriate to its type, conformation and structure. Movements of the pony should appear smooth and without effort. The pony should have a balanced, free-flowing motion. The head and neck should be in a normal and relaxed position. The poll should be level with or slightly above the level of the withers. The face should not be carried behind the vertical, indicating possible intimidation, nor should it be excessively nosed out, as that gives the appearance of resistance. The head should be level, nose slightly ahead of the vertical with a pleasant expression and alert ears. The pony should work on a reasonably loose rein, be relaxed and respond readily to all the rider’s cues. Transitions and extension or collection of gaits should be smooth and the pony should move at an even pace. Stops and turns should be smooth, balanced and collected. Maximum credit should be given to the even moving, balanced and willing pony in good condition that appears to be pleasant to ride.
Animals to wear unset, ungingered tail. To be shown with a natural foot and unweighted shoes. Pads may be used but additional weight of any kind is prohibited.
Article 112.4.2 Western Pleasure Gaits
Walk – A natural, flat-footed, lateral four beat, ground-covering gait. The walk should be free flowing, straight and true. The stride should be of adequate length and is influenced by type, conformation and size of the pony.
Jog – A two beat diagonal gait with the pony working from one pair of diagonals to the other. The jog should be smooth, balanced and straight. Knee action should not be high or over flexed. Ponies walking behind and jogging in front are not performing the true gait. When extended, the jog should be ground covering, free and easy.
Lope – A free moving, natural three beat gait that should appear smooth and relaxed. Ponies moving in a four beat gait are not considered to be traveling in a correct lope. Excessive speed is to be penalized.
(“Beat” – refers to the rhythmical progression or movement of the feet.)
Article 112.4.3 Appointments Entries must be penalized for incomplete appointments but not necessarily disqualified, the severity of which is at the discretion of the judge.
Riders to wear a long-sleeved shirt or top with a visible collar of any type. A zipper is permissible under the shirt post with the buttons or snaps being visible on the shirt post. A one piece longsleeved equitation suit is acceptable provided it includes any type of collar. Trousers or pants are to be worn with a belt under the loops. Riders to wear protective headgear (required for juniors) or western hats. Protective headgear need not be of western type. Boots of western style to be worn. Gloves, and western chaps and a belt are strongly suggested. Spurs are optional. A vest, jacket, coat and/or sweater may also be worn.
Entries will show with a stock or side saddle but silver equipment will not count over a good working outfit.
Article 112.4.4 Bits/Bridles Entries may use any standard Western bit. A standard Western bit is defined as having a shank with a maximum length overall of 8-1/2 inches. The mouthpiece will consist of a metal bar 3/8″ to 3/4″ varying from the straight bar to a full spade. Jointed mouthpieces are permitted.
Entries may use a standard snaffle bit only if animals are five years old and under. A standard snaffle bit is defined as a center jointed single, rounded, unwrapped smooth mouthpiece of 3/8″ to 3/4″ in diameter metal as measured from ring to 1″ in from the ring with a gradual decrease to the center of the snaffle. The rings may be from 2″ to 4″ outside diameter of either the loose type, eggbutt, dee or center mounted without cheeks. If a curb strap or chain is used, it must be attached below the reins. Also, it must lie flat, be at least ½” in width and have no other wire, rawhide, or other substance used with it.
Hackamores are permitted in any class on animals five years old and under. A hackamore consists of a bosal round in shape and constructed of braided rawhide or leather and must have a flexible non-metallic core. Attached reins may be of hair, rope or leather. No other material of any kind is to be used in conjunction with a hackamore i.e., steel, metal or chains. (Exception: smooth plastic electrical tape is acceptable.)
A leather chin strap or curb chain is mandatory on any bit with a shank. They must lie flat and be at least ½” in width. Rolled leather chin straps or twisted curb chains are strictly prohibited. No wire, rawhide, metal or other substance may be used in conjunction with or as part of the leather chin strap or curb chain. Rounded, rolled, braided or rawhide curb straps are prohibited.
When hackamores or snaffle bits are used rider may is to use both hands. Both hands must be visible to the judge.
Article 112.4.5 Reins. Reins may be any standard western rein. However, any rein design which increases the effective length of the shank of a standard western bit is prohibited.
With a curb bit only one hand may be used on the reins and hands may not be changed except to negotiate an obstacle in a Trail class. Hand is to be around the reins. When using split reins, the ends are to fall on the side of your reining hand. One finger is permissible between the reins. When using romal reins or when ends of split reins are held in the hand not being used for reining, no finger between reins is permissible. The position of the hand not being used for reining is optional, but it should be kept free of the animal and equipment and held in a relaxed manner. Reins are to be carried immediately above or slightly in front of the saddle horn.
When hackamores or snaffle bits are used, rider may is to use both hands. Both hands must be visible to the judge.
112.4.6 Prohibited Bits/Equipment:
Roping bits with both reins connected to a single rein at center of cross bar
Snaffle bits on any pony aged six or older
Hackamores on any pony aged six or older
Slip bits
Gag bits
Rigid donut mouthpiece bits
Flat polo mouthpiece bits
Hackamore bits Bosals on any pony aged six or older
Cavesson type nosebands (Expectation: Permitted in leadline per leadline rules)
Tie downs
Bandages or boots of any type
Whips or crops of any kind
Article 112.4.7 Western Pleasure Class Specifications
WPCSA CONFORMATION WESTERN PLEASURE To be shown at a walk, jog and lope both ways of the ring without martingale on a reasonably loose rein without undue restraint. To be judged on performance, with emphasis on manners 65%; breed type, conformation and movement 25%; appointments 10%.
WPCSA WESTERN PLEASURE WORKING To be shown at a walk, jog and lope both ways of the ring without martingale on a reasonably loose rein without undue restraint. To be judged 100% on performance. Up to three tests may be asked for in the working class. (See Article 112.2.)
WPCSA CONFORMATION WESTERN PLEASURE STAKE To be shown at a walk, jog and lope both ways of the ring without martingale on a reasonably loose rein without undue restraint. To be judged on performance, with emphasis on manners 65%; breed type, conformation and movement 25%; appointments 10%.
Article 112.4.8 Western Pleasure Judging Criteria Walk – Good: Ground covering, flatfooted, alert. Minor Fault: Too slow, disinterested, not attentive. Major fault: Too fast, nervous, jogging, dull. Elimination: Not working.
Jog – Good: Easy riding, good motion, consistent, steady. Minor Fault: Too slow. Major fault: Too fast, not performing a 2 beat jog, failing to jog both front and back, rough, quick, choppy, breaks gait.
Lope – Good: Easy riding, good motion, consistent, steady. Minor Fault: Too slow. Major fault: Too fast, wrong lead, pulling, not performing a 3 beat lope, hard or rough riding. Elimination: Not under control.
Extended Jog – Good: Easy riding, forward impulsion, consistent, steady. Minor Fault: Inconsistent speed. Major fault: Breaking gaits, hard or rough riding, no increase in speed. Elimination: Not extended.
Back – Good: Proper flexion, readily responsive, back in straight line. Minor fault: Hesitant, not backing straight. Major fault: Throwing head, gaping, pulling not backing, not backing. Elimination: Rears.
General – Good: Smooth, steady, easy riding, proper flexion & balance, good attitude. Minor fault: Over or under flexion, sour ears, swishing tail, inconsistent speed, out of balance, poll too high or too low, improper/incomplete appointments. Major fault: Throwing head, bad mouth, constant bumping the bit, gaping, constant breaking of gaits (resulting in elimination if class entries warrant), obvious schooling, touching pony or saddle with free hand, ears below withers, head carried too low, excessive nosing out. All performance aspects being equal the Pony / Cob exhibited in a standard western bit with one reining hand is to be considered the superior performance.
Elimination: Two hands on reins (exception: snaffle or hackamore ponies), fingers between closed reins, more than one finger between split reins, kicking, illegal equipment, lameness, cueing pony in front of the cinch, fall of pony or rider, and bleeding mouth.