Slideshow of Winners
LOAFERS LODGE CREOLE LADY LOM (RosMel’s Dressed In Scarlet LOM x Cardiff Shrimp Creole) Creole Lady is out of Cardiff Shrimp Creole. I was thinking of names and remembered the words Creole Lady in a song. Anyway, Creole Lady was always the pleasant meek and mild pony. She was never a problem, except for the ulcer on her eye. She was a wonderful patient at the age of 1. At her very first show as a 2 year old, Margaret took her off the trailer, tied her up, brushed her, and walked her down to the ring. Now, Margaret usually doesn’t handle the new ones at shows, or lead them around unless of course they are hers. We all laughed. So Creole Lady was nick named the Old Ladies Pony. I asked Emily to break her as a project. Well that was no big deal. We were going to show Creole Lady but a lady wanted to buy her all of the sudden. Emily cried and wanted to show her at just this one show Uncle John, please. So we put the lady off until the one show. Emily did very well. Then the lady couldn’t quite come up with the money that she had before. So we wanted to put 300 points on her for her sire Rosmel’s Dressed in Scarlet. We flew past that. Then we said why not go for her Legion of Merit. Now I want to dedicate this LOM to a special friend who owned Creole Lady for just a few months before but never got to see her before her passing. She was a most enthusiastic welsh breeder and friend to many. I dedicate this LOM to Mrs. Stuart Barber. She raised some lovely Sec A’s but bought this Sec B mare for her granddaughter as a surprise present.