Name* First Last Email* Enter Email Confirm Email In cones an off course: A driver is off course when he deviates from the designated pattern shown on the diagram by consecutive number and drives an obstacle out of order before correcting the deviation.* True False Carriage Driving Working is to be judged primarily on the suitability of the animal to provide a pleasant drive.* True False A break to walk in the cones class constitutes 3 full strides at the walk.* False True A break to a canter or gallop in the cones class is defined by 4 or more full strides.* False True To be judged 75% on the condition, fit and appropriateness of harness and vehicle, neatness and appropriateness of attire and overall impression; 25% on performance, manners and way of going.* False True In Cones a circle is any form of a circle which causes the driver to cross the original track between two consecutive obstacles except to retake an obstacle after a refusal or run-out.* False True A run-out in the cones class comprises evading or passing an obstacle to be driven or the start/finish line.* False True Please select every required gate for the rail classes.* Road Gait Jog Trot Slow Trot Walk Working Trot Strong Trot Wire Wheel vehicles may not be used in the Carriage Driving Division.* False True In cones a refusal comprises stopping or reining back before an obstacle.* False True Do you feel prepared to judge the Carriage Driving Division?*CAPTCHA Δ