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We now have a Board of Directors topic page to help keep the membership up to date on topics in discussion and we invite you to check out those topics and provide immediate feedback on that page with a form that directly contacts the entire Board of Directors at the same time.  The form on this page can be used to contact your BOD for any reason you wish.  The BOD welcomes all communication and thanks you for taking the time to share your thoughts, suggestions, and concerns!!


WPCSA has a wonderful Area / Regional Rep program and we invite you to contact your reps directly for local needs.  By visiting the Area Representatives Page you can view bios on each rep and contact them directly through the site.


WPCSA also has a Blog provided to you by both the Area Reps and the WPCSA.  You can click on the Blog link here to view the entire blog with all the posts ever made or you can go up to the navigation bar and under the Communications link you can bring your mouse down to the Blog link and then select the specific area of the blog you wish to search.