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*Tijd Vlijts Zorro

*Tijd Vlijts Zorro

*Tijd Vlijts Zorro (Zwaantjes Zeppelin X Tijd Vlijts Daystar by Boston Bonaparte) 13.1hd imported welsh section B. Dark bay with 4 stockings/ blaze. Phenomenal mover /Jumper. Drop dead gorgeous. Absolutly un unflapable. I can not say enough good things about this stallion. Approved Belgian warmblood stallion In hand score -85 Free Jump - 84 YHS Qualifier 2nd at Liberty 2nd Jump chute YHS Championships Rev. Champion Stallion Fee $975 Shipped semen Standing at: Orchard Hill Ponies Aiken Sc
Total views: 554
Price: $ 975.00
*Cadlanvalley Manhatten * Imported Welsh Sec B

*Cadlanvalley Manhatten * Imported Welsh Sec B

*Cadlanvalley Manhatten (76502), B46466 •Reg Sec B Welsh, Black, 12.3h •09/19/2016 Approved ISR Oldenburg, NA Sport Pony •12/02/22 Received ISR Oldenburg, NA Lifetime Breeding License *CadlanValley Manhatten is a Magnificent Welsh Sec B Stallion bred & Imported from the Famous Cadlanvalley Stud in Wales, UK. *CadlanValley Manhatten has what it takes to be the Ultimate Pony Hunter Sire and has a 10+ Temperament, Beautiful Floating Trot, Soft Big Canter Stride, Impressive Jump & Impeccable Conformation and is a kind gentleman & really sets the bar for the kind & forgiving nature all PONY BREEDERS strive to Breed. *CadlanValley Manhatten crosses…
Total views: 3822
Price: $ 750.00
Canadian Import Section B Palomino

Canadian Import Section B Palomino

Standing at stud in South Carolina - WSPCA and Canadian registered Welsh stallion Rhiannon's White Magic. We imported him directly from Canada. He is 12.3 hands tall. We have bred him to a wide range of pony heights. Magic is everything you could want in a pony stud. Gorgeous, well built, sweet, gentle, and easy for children to handle. Natural service only.
Total views: 1
Price: $ 500.00
Section A at stud

Section A at stud

A new to me 11.1 hand palomino stallion can be used as stud to help pay for my Welsh's upkeep. He is Gaslight Lionheart pending registration. Out of Ceulan Cappuccino X Ceulan Lynette LOM; UK imports. I don't have a good picture of him yet, but thought I'd post for now in case someone is looking. SW Oregon in Glendale. My phone number is NOT textable.
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