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You will receive a copy of your submission via the e-mail you put in the form below.  Take care to be sure your e-mail is correct.  If you do not receive a copy of your submission we did not receive it either.  Though do check your spam and bulk folders to make sure your e-mail did not automatically place it there.

If you need to submit a Cover Ad please click HERE.

    Please select the publication you wish your ad to be run in. Please note ads submitted after the deadline will automatically be held over to the next publication date without exception.
  • Max. file size: 256 MB.
    All ads MUST be 300 DPI and adhere to the sizing specs for the given publication.
    Please select the size and type of the ad you uploaded above. You may also mail a check to the National Office, but your check must be received before the submission deadline without exception.
  • $0.00
  • Discover
    Supported Credit Cards: Discover, MasterCard, Visa